18:00 Due to some nomenclature confusion, there isn't going to be any chick. (jj) 22:00 Omniback can fuck my dry cunt. Why are drives failing randomly? Fucked if I know.... is it network? Like, it actually is failing at network connect. do I need a data protector restart? I'll perform one in the morning, just in case, just need to limp through the backup window. (jj) 23:00 Seriousy, I am a unix domain socket. Fuck my dry cunt. I can't narrow this to one controller, or one media agent, or shit... it's just cunting network cunting errors. what the fuck am i supposed to cunting do with that cunt fucking shit? write a fucking screenplay? (jj) 23:45 okay, fuck this noise, what i'm gonna do, is just mass restart them all around 4am or so, after they all finish. Because seirously, fuck this shit. Has something happened to the network? Are these crossbeams fucking me up the ass? It does seem to be all through the crossbeams.... wait, acutally.. CUNT!!! IT'S THE FUCKING NEW CUNTING FUCK SUCKING CUNT FUCKING CROSSBEAMS THAT ARE THE CUNTING COMMON FUCKHEAD DEFUCKINGNOMINATOR. FUCKING BULLSHIT FUCKING ASS RAPING FUCK CUNT FIREWALLS. (jj) 3:00 (it's posisbly not the firewalls, but it sure _smells_ like the firewall change... in any case, can whichever cunt reads this in the morning wander over to networks with the pager log, and find out about all of those failed connections on mgtlan? peach! (jj))